Seat: 6050 Lajosmizse, Mizse tanya 91.
Telephone: +36 30 953 5155
Personal data:
The fact of collection, the scope of the data processed and the purpose of the processing
The controller processes data for the following purposes in accordance with the applicable law:
Type of personal data and purpose of processing
Surname and first name: It is required for contacting you, placing an order and issuing a correct invoice.
E-mail address: Staying in touch.
Phone number: Keeping in touch with you, to coordinate more efficiently on billing or delivery issues.
Billing name and address: To issue proper invoices, and to establish and define the content of the contract, modify it, monitor its performance, invoice the resulting fees and enforce the related claims.
Delivery name and address: Enabling transport.
Who is affected
The whole range of natural persons who contact the company, individuals who have a contractual relationship with the company, natural persons who request information on the website and who use our services are concerned.
The use of personal data is based on the following as legal grounds:
Duration of processing, deadline for deletion of data
Identity of the potential controllers of the data
Personal data may be processed by the sales and marketing staff of the controller, in compliance with the above principles.
Data subjects' rights in relation to data processing
The data subject can initiate the deletion, modification or restriction of the processing of personal data or object to the processing in the following ways:
Legal basis for processing: the data subject's consent, Article 6 (1) (a), of the Infotv. As a service provider, we may process personal data that is technically necessary for the provision of the service for the purpose of providing the service. Other conditions being equal, we shall select and in any case operate the means used in the provision of information society services in such a way that personal data are processed only to the extent and for such time as is strictly necessary for the provision of the service and for the fulfilment of the other purposes specified in the Act.
Please note that:
We do not send out newsletters and dm materials. But:
The controller shall inform you of the action taken on such requests without undue delay and in any event within 1 month of receipt of the request. If necessary, this may be extended by 2 months. The controller shall inform you of the extension, stating the reasons for the delay, within 1 month of receipt of the request. If the controller does not take action on your request, it shall inform you without delay and at the latest within one month of receipt of the request of the reasons for its failure to act and of the possibility to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority and exercise your right to judicial remedy.
The controller and the processor shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures, taking into account the state of the art and the cost of implementation, the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing and the varying degrees of probability and severity of the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, in order to ensure a level of data security appropriate to the level of risk, including, where appropriate:
Where the personal data breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the controller shall inform the data subject of the personal data breach without undue delay. The information provided to the data subject shall clearly and prominently describe the nature of the personal data breach and provide the name and contact details of any other contact person who can provide further information; describe the likely consequences of the personal data breach; describe the measures taken or envisaged by the controller to remedy the personal data breach, including, where appropriate, measures to mitigate any adverse consequences of the personal data breach.
The data subject need not be informed if any of the following conditions are met:
The data protection incident shall be notified by the controller to the supervisory authority competent under Article 55 without undue delay and, if possible, no later than 72 hours after the data protection incident has come to its attention, unless the data protection incident is unlikely to pose a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. If the notification is not made within 72 hours, it shall be accompanied by the reasons justifying the delay.
Complaints against possible infringements by the data controller can be lodged with the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information:
National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
Title: 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/C.
Mailing address: 1530 Budapest, PO Box 5.
Telephone: +36 -1-391-1400 Fax: +36-1-391-1410
The following legislation has been taken into account in the preparation of this information:
Tisztelt Partnerünk!
A CHAROLAIS Kft. sok szeretettel meghívja Önt a 2025. február 5-én (szerda) 9 órakor, a Lajosmizsei Bartal telepen megrendezésre kerülő Tenyészbika Vásárra.
Ez az esemény különleges alkalom a magyar szarvasmarha-tenyésztés életében, hiszen a vásáron 20 homozigóta szarvatlan bika kerül értékesítésre – ilyen nagy számban egy helyen ritkán találkozhatnak ezzel a genetikailag kiemelkedő kategóriával! Emellett további 24 heterozigóta szarvatlan bika is várja új gazdáját.
Jöjjön el, és válasszon a kiváló minőségű tenyészbikáink közül!
Ha szeretne részt venni az eseményen, vagy többet megtudni róla, kérjük, vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot. Hamarosan minden bikáról képeket és videókat teszünk közzé a weboldalunkon, hogy előre megismerhesse kínálatunkat.
Szeretettel várjuk:
Dear Partner,
CHAROLAIS Ltd. warmly invites you to the Bull Sale to be held on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 9:00 AM at the Bartal Farm in Lajosmizse.
This event is a unique occasion in Hungarian cattle breeding, as 20 homozygous polled bulls will be available for purchase - an exceptional offering of this genetically outstanding category in one location! In addition, 24 heterozygous polled bulls will also be available.
Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to choose from our premium-quality breeding bulls!
If you would like to attend the event or learn more, please feel free to contact us. Soon, we will upload photos and videos of all the bulls to our website so you can preview the selection.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Vážený partner,
CHAROLAIS s.r.o. Vás srdečne pozýva na Výpredaj plemenných býkov, ktorý sa uskutoční v stredu 5 february 2025 o 9:00 hod. na farme Bartal v Lajosmizse.
Táto udalosť je jedinečnou príležitosťou v oblasti maďarského chovu dobytka, keďže na predaj bude 20 homozygotne bezrohých býkov - takéto množstvo tejto geneticky výnimočnej kategórie je na jednom mieste skutočne raritou! Okrem toho bude k dispozícii aj 24 heterozygous bezrohých býkov.
Nenechajte si ujsť túto jedinečnú príležitosť a vyberte si z našich prémiových plemenných býkov!
Ak máte záujem zúčastniť sa podujatia alebo sa o ňom dozvedieť viac, neváhajte nás kontaktovať. Čoskoro na na našej webovej stránke zverejníme fotografie a videá všetkých býkov, aby ste si ich mohli vopred prezrieť.
Tešíme sa na Vás!