Learn about the benefits of hornless and easy calving Charolais cattle! Reduce injuries, calving risks and increase your productivity.
With our genetically unhorned breeding bulls, the risk of injury is significantly reduced, minimising the risk of abdominal hernia and abscesses. In addition, easy calving cows mean that the calving process requires less intervention, ensuring a continuous and trouble-free offspring rearing.
Using state-of-the-art genomic testing and breeding methods, we breed Charolais bulls that are disease resistant, hornless and economical to maintain. This will not only make your herd healthier, but also more cost-effective in the long run.
Our unhorned bulls reach the size and meat production potential of horned animals. The long trunk and large dorsal cross-section result in more valuable meat.
In the case of unhorned cattle, the number of injuries and abdominal hernias can be reduced because they pose less of a threat to each other. Avoiding physical dehorning is also beneficial from an animal welfare point of view.
Our hornless breeding bulls have won numerous competitions and are internationally recognised, proving the excellent genetic background and successful breeding work.
We select for a long trunk and thinner bones, as these characteristics not only promote easy calving, but also improve the mobility and general well-being of the animals.
Our animals make more efficient use of feed and adapt to local poor growing conditions and climate. A herd selected over many years will give better weight gain and a longer life span.
For more than 10 years we have been selling only bulls with guaranteed, excellent semen production, certified by semen testing, and we always select the best performing individuals.
The growing bulls are sold at 300-400 kg for further fattening. They have a hornless genetic background, which reduces injuries and gives a homogeneous appearance. They are capable of gaining 1,500-2,000 grams of weight per day on a proper feed, which is a significant advantage in fattening.
By breeding our pregnant heifers early (from as early as 18-20 months instead of 24 months), we provide the opportunity for faster herd expansion. With easy calving lines and the right genetic background, we ensure trouble-free calving and high quality, healthy offspring.
The Slaughter bull is a beef cattle weighing 600-700 kg, with a perfect meat to fat ratio. Its speciality lies in the fact that its feed is carefully formulated down to the micro-element level, ensuring the highest level of meat quality.
Pepperoni peppers have been produced for several decades for the canning industry, as well as chili peppers, pritamin and hot peppers, and cherry and sour cherry, Japanese plum production.
If you are interested in our products or would like to know more, please contact us.
If you are looking to add the best quality Charolais cattle to your farm or just want to know more about them, please contact us.
Márton Bujdosó: +36 30 953 5155
Csilla Bujdosó: +36 30 464 1484
6050 Lajosmizse, Mizse tanya 91.
Tisztelt Partnerünk!
A CHAROLAIS Kft. sok szeretettel meghívja Önt a 2025. február 5-én (szerda) 9 órakor, a Lajosmizsei Bartal telepen megrendezésre kerülő Tenyészbika Vásárra.
Ez az esemény különleges alkalom a magyar szarvasmarha-tenyésztés életében, hiszen a vásáron 20 homozigóta szarvatlan bika kerül értékesítésre – ilyen nagy számban egy helyen ritkán találkozhatnak ezzel a genetikailag kiemelkedő kategóriával! Emellett további 24 heterozigóta szarvatlan bika is várja új gazdáját.
Jöjjön el, és válasszon a kiváló minőségű tenyészbikáink közül!
Ha szeretne részt venni az eseményen, vagy többet megtudni róla, kérjük, vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot. Hamarosan minden bikáról képeket és videókat teszünk közzé a weboldalunkon, hogy előre megismerhesse kínálatunkat.
Szeretettel várjuk:
Dear Partner,
CHAROLAIS Ltd. warmly invites you to the Bull Sale to be held on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 9:00 AM at the Bartal Farm in Lajosmizse.
This event is a unique occasion in Hungarian cattle breeding, as 20 homozygous polled bulls will be available for purchase - an exceptional offering of this genetically outstanding category in one location! In addition, 24 heterozygous polled bulls will also be available.
Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to choose from our premium-quality breeding bulls!
If you would like to attend the event or learn more, please feel free to contact us. Soon, we will upload photos and videos of all the bulls to our website so you can preview the selection.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Vážený partner,
CHAROLAIS s.r.o. Vás srdečne pozýva na Výpredaj plemenných býkov, ktorý sa uskutoční v stredu 5 february 2025 o 9:00 hod. na farme Bartal v Lajosmizse.
Táto udalosť je jedinečnou príležitosťou v oblasti maďarského chovu dobytka, keďže na predaj bude 20 homozygotne bezrohých býkov - takéto množstvo tejto geneticky výnimočnej kategórie je na jednom mieste skutočne raritou! Okrem toho bude k dispozícii aj 24 heterozygous bezrohých býkov.
Nenechajte si ujsť túto jedinečnú príležitosť a vyberte si z našich prémiových plemenných býkov!
Ak máte záujem zúčastniť sa podujatia alebo sa o ňom dozvedieť viac, neváhajte nás kontaktovať. Čoskoro na na našej webovej stránke zverejníme fotografie a videá všetkých býkov, aby ste si ich mohli vopred prezrieť.
Tešíme sa na Vás!