Charolais Ltd. is a renowned cattle breeding company with decades of experience, specialising in the production of quality beef cattle and sustainable farming.
We are a renowned cattle breeding company that achieves outstanding success by combining tradition and innovation. Under the leadership of Márton Bujdosó, our goal is to produce quality beef for domestic and international markets.
The roots of Charolais Ltd. go back to the former Kossuth Tsz in Lajosmizse, where we started breeding Charolais cattle in 1981. We imported cows and bulls with excellent genetic stock from France, the birthplace of the breed. After the change of regime, the Charolais Ltd. was created to continue the breeding work started in the cooperative. In recent years, we have won the Hungarian Beef Cattle Breeding Grand Prix four times, and we have also been the breeder of pedigree cattle in several neighbouring countries.
The Charolais cattle from the Loire Valley are bred for grazing and herding, resulting in these huge animals with excellent meat form. Our company aims to continuously improve this genetic stock, with a particular focus on hornless line breeding, to minimise injuries between animals and ensure a calm temperament.
For more than 20 years, we have been working on hornless genetics to make animals safer for people and each other. DNA testing, ultrasound observations and years of experience allow us to develop the best strain genetics. As a result, we have no cows with abdominal disorders, our animals are healthier, our ideal cow weight is 600-700 kg compared to the usual 800-900 kg, and we have increased the average life expectancy of our cows, which is now 9.5 years/cow.
Our aim is to breed "thrifty" animals that can adapt to climate change and have increasingly better feed conversion efficiency. Through genetic research and modern technologies, we have succeeded in producing hornless animals that meet the highest standards in both body size and meat shape.
We also strive to develop easy calving lines by integrating Swedish, American and Canadian genetic lines and increasing body length, which reduces the number of abortions and increases the amount of the most valuable meat parts, such as the back tendon.
We are committed to sustainability and the environment. Our environmental investments in the Lajosmizse area aim to protect the freshwater resources hidden deep in the ground. Animal feeding and manure spreading are carried out according to strict rules, and the necessary infrastructure improvements are carried out with the help of EU grants.
Adapting to the Hungarian economic conditions, we also grow vegetables and fruit in addition to cattle. We grow beautiful vegetables in the fertilized area of our livestock and use innovative technologies in our 10 hectare orchard.
We welcome visitors to our farm and regularly organise professional days to showcase our work and experience. If you are interested, please contact us so that we can work together on the future of cattle farming. We are proud that the name Charolais Ltd. stands for quality beef cattle and innovative cattle breeding. We look forward to sharing our passion and expertise with you!
If you are looking to add the best quality Charolais cattle to your farm or just want to know more about them, please contact us.
Márton Bujdosó: +36 30 953 5155
Csilla Bujdosó: +36 30 464 1484
6050 Lajosmizse, Mizse tanya 91.
Tisztelt Partnerünk!
A CHAROLAIS Kft. sok szeretettel meghívja Önt a 2025. február 5-én (szerda) 9 órakor, a Lajosmizsei Bartal telepen megrendezésre kerülő Tenyészbika Vásárra.
Ez az esemény különleges alkalom a magyar szarvasmarha-tenyésztés életében, hiszen a vásáron 20 homozigóta szarvatlan bika kerül értékesítésre – ilyen nagy számban egy helyen ritkán találkozhatnak ezzel a genetikailag kiemelkedő kategóriával! Emellett további 24 heterozigóta szarvatlan bika is várja új gazdáját.
Jöjjön el, és válasszon a kiváló minőségű tenyészbikáink közül!
Ha szeretne részt venni az eseményen, vagy többet megtudni róla, kérjük, vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot. Hamarosan minden bikáról képeket és videókat teszünk közzé a weboldalunkon, hogy előre megismerhesse kínálatunkat.
Szeretettel várjuk:
Dear Partner,
CHAROLAIS Ltd. warmly invites you to the Bull Sale to be held on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, at 9:00 AM at the Bartal Farm in Lajosmizse.
This event is a unique occasion in Hungarian cattle breeding, as 20 homozygous polled bulls will be available for purchase - an exceptional offering of this genetically outstanding category in one location! In addition, 24 heterozygous polled bulls will also be available.
Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to choose from our premium-quality breeding bulls!
If you would like to attend the event or learn more, please feel free to contact us. Soon, we will upload photos and videos of all the bulls to our website so you can preview the selection.
We look forward to welcoming you!
Vážený partner,
CHAROLAIS s.r.o. Vás srdečne pozýva na Výpredaj plemenných býkov, ktorý sa uskutoční v stredu 5 february 2025 o 9:00 hod. na farme Bartal v Lajosmizse.
Táto udalosť je jedinečnou príležitosťou v oblasti maďarského chovu dobytka, keďže na predaj bude 20 homozygotne bezrohých býkov - takéto množstvo tejto geneticky výnimočnej kategórie je na jednom mieste skutočne raritou! Okrem toho bude k dispozícii aj 24 heterozygous bezrohých býkov.
Nenechajte si ujsť túto jedinečnú príležitosť a vyberte si z našich prémiových plemenných býkov!
Ak máte záujem zúčastniť sa podujatia alebo sa o ňom dozvedieť viac, neváhajte nás kontaktovať. Čoskoro na na našej webovej stránke zverejníme fotografie a videá všetkých býkov, aby ste si ich mohli vopred prezrieť.
Tešíme sa na Vás!